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Setting Healthy Boundaries

Bryan Ang

We all have individual identities however it is not our willpower that keeps us moving forward. At young ages, we learn to set boundaries both in school and at home. We learn to share our feelings, forge relationships with others, value our own opinions, and learn to say NO. These are examples of setting healthy boundaries. It is a set of rules you give yourself to maintain your mental and emotional state. Imagine waking up and getting ready for your day and a boundary could be you trying to achieve something new or tackling something challenging you may face.

Self-care, which can include setting boundaries, is an important part of leading a mentally healthy life. But unlike more intuitive aspects of self-care like healthy eating and exercise, setting healthy boundaries isn’t something most people understand. For more people to experience greater well-being and fulfillment, they must learn about healthy boundaries.

According to by Joaquín Selva

Take responsibility for yourself

Similar to self-awareness you need to be aware of your capabilities and or strengths and weaknesses. Try to push yourself to do something new in your day-to-day lifestyle or habits. You should never push yourself too far by taking on more than you can handle, that is why you need to take responsibility and ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign that you are reaching out to work and improve yourself. By setting your boundaries you are controlling your opinions of others and telling others how you want and expect to be treated. For example, you are setting your limits about who can come into your personal space and what you expect of others. Involving how you want to be spoken to, touched, and treated psychologically and or emotionally.

Value yourself

All of your experiences shape us to be who we are today. If you want to change, you have that ability to change. If you don’t think you can do it by yourself, ask for help. As long as you put in the effort of trying or challenging yourself, you are learning from your mistakes to be your best self. No one besides you, no matter how persuasive they may be, can define you or try to control who you are. When you respect yourself, all of who you are, you should expect that others will treat you with respect. If they don’t, that’s a clear sign not to engage with them anymore.

You are in charge of your choices

This relates to the idea of saying “NO!” You and you alone can decide what you want to do in life. You have the right to change your mind or your direction at any time. Although you should always try to be considerate and appreciate what others have to say especially to your parents. Even if you think you understand or validate their opinion, it’s just something to keep in mind. You don’t need to feel that you owe anyone anything more than you want to give with your free and conscious heart. Anyone who mistreats you is disrespectful and is up to you if you want to cut ties with them.

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