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Self Reflection Exercises

Bryan Ang

Self-reflection is the ability for humans to exercise their willingness to learn and improve. That includes their fundamental nature, purpose, identity, and relationships. It can be as simple as making a checklist for yourself or going to therapy. Throughout our lives, we made numerous mistakes that gives us insight about our strengths and weaknesses. In addition a stronger idea of our values and how we can better ourselves. Self-reflection is SUPER BENEFICIAL for many reasons but in today’s society, many understand self-reflection as a healthy habitat to focus on your self-awareness. Self-reflection is basically looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working, and how you choose to move forward or live your life.

1. Review & Ask Questions

  • Are you satisfied with what you accomplished today?

  • What is something new I learned about myself?

  • What barriers did I overcome?

  • What will I do differently next time?

  • What should I do to avoid making similar mistakes?

  • What do I know now that I didn’t know then?

  • How did I acquire that knowledge?

  • What do I need to do today in order to make this learning concrete?

2. Planning Ahead


It’s important to spend most of your time thinking about how to do better in the future. Make a plan that will help you avoid making similar mistakes. Be as detailed as possible in your checklist or journal but remain flexible since your plan may need to change. Whether you find an accountability partner or if you track your progress on a calendar, find a way to hold yourself accountable for your actions. Keep in mind that what works for one person might not work with someone else.

3. Take Breaks & Avoid Distractions

Always keep in mind that different methods work for different people.

It’s good to vary different break activities to find which is the most effective in refreshing you.

Take a walk- Go outside and get some fresh air.

Exercise- Moving your body helps blood flow, which is going to help reenergize you. Any form of exercise will be beneficial to your physical and mental well-being – during your study breaks or otherwise.

Phone a Friend - When you haven’t spoken to anyone for hours and you begin to enter zombie mode, calling someone to have a conversation out loud can help. It takes your mind off the task at hand and makes you feel less like a zombie and more like a human.

Take a Quick Shower - Everyone feels invigorated when they are fresh out of the shower. During your next study break, take a five or ten-minute shower to help revitalize and refresh your body and mind. If you love to listening to music, play your favorite song at a reasonable level so you aren't disturbing your family and neighbours.

Don’t confuse taking a break as a distraction, taking breaks are supposed to be short and help you relax or calm down. While distractions are actions that prevent us from giving full attention to something else. That includes spending too much time playing video games or endlessly scrolling through social media while snacking on junk food. This would only harm both your mental and physical state so understand that you can make a difference.

According to Liz Peinter, the bottom line is:

If we want to become more productive, impactful, and fulfilled, we need to understand what makes us productive, impactful, and fulfilled in the first place, and do more of that and less of the other stuff.

Here are some additional resources:


Self-Care Support, Est. 2020

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