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Healthy Lifestyle: Hobbies

Bryan Ang

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, we all have daily activities that we find joy in and make us happy. Hobbies are crucial for our mental health as you learn to smile more and expose yourself to new opportunities and or experiences. The best example of this is when teenagers hang out with their friends, going somewhere new and making memories while deepening their relationships. As teenagers, we are constantly exposed to new interests every day either through school or extracurriculars. Finding an activity that we can get lost in time with is the most rewarding feeling after a stressful day.

Why are hobbies important?

Hobbies are great for many reasons. Similar to clubs they help us associate with others and meet new people that share a common goal or interest. Furthermore, hobbies can help provide individuals with opportunities that expand their skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to succeed in life. Such as expressing our creative sides, self-improvement, becoming more open-minded about our passion, and so on. In addition, hobbies are a great way to decompress after a long day of work or school. When we feel life is too overwhelming, our hobbies can help us relax. Always remember that there is more to life than just endlessly working. Lastly, doing something you enjoy outside of work can be beneficial for your mental health. By having hobbies that can lower anxiety, stress level, and even help you cope with depression.

Misconceptions about hobbies:

It’s easy to be inspired by watching other people succeed in numerous hobbies you would like to pursue. However, you should think about whether that hobby is right for you. The point of hobbies is to help you feel motivated, pursue a passion you love, and help you relax from your stressful life. You shouldn’t feel overwhelmed or competitive trying to become super amazing at a hobby in a few days. This is often shown in the arts: either drawing/painting, dancing, singing, and playing a musical instrument. You shouldn't let your competitive nature get the best of you, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard to become the best. Unless you want to be more professional and prepare for work or a job related to your hobbies. Overall everyone’s different and we all choose to handle things at our own pace so you don’t push yourself too hard unless it is something you want.


Hobbies are another form of self-reflection, being able to look at ourselves and question our abilities in certain areas. If you are determined to succeed in your hobby it shows how willing you are to change and make improvements. It’s easy to understand how hobbies may benefit your life, but not every hobby will be a good fit for you. You have to ask yourself, what is something I would like to improve? It can be a common interest such as cooking, sports, dancing, or just watching Youtube videos. Choosing a hobby is all about what interests you outside of your work life. If you choose to stay focused and determined you are also physically telling your brain to be more productive as you prepare for life. Due to remote learning, students should stay more determined in finding a balance between their work and play schedules to maintain both a professional and personal lifestyle.

There are many activities and hobbies to try, so explore and find what interests you.

  • Sports

  • Mountain climbing

  • Photography

  • Volunteering

  • Pottery/ arts & crafts

  • Writing Calligraphy

  • Journaling

  • Discover new likes and dislike

  • Listen to new music

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